
Select your ship. Different ships have different item slots.

Green - engine

Blue - system

Purple - armour

Red - weapon

Your main goal is to stay alive as long as possible. In the beginning, the game looks very easy but as time goes it becomes harder and harder

You heal when you kill enemies and enemies also drop loot. 

With all of that in mind. Choose your ship and try to stay alive till the max difficulty (you will see what is a max difficulty)

It is possible but very very hard

P.s. I wanted to make it addictive, interesting, and replayable so I hope you will enjoy


Z - for settings

Q or E or I - to open Inventory

W,A,D - movement

Left-click - shoot

Space - teleport

C - clear inventory

Z - randomize item (for easier test)

*it was updated after game jam. Changes: you can  randomize items + tutorial*

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